Fast, composable, unstyled command menu for Svelte.
<script lang="ts">
import Calculator from "@lucide/svelte/icons/calculator";
import Calendar from "@lucide/svelte/icons/calendar";
import CreditCard from "@lucide/svelte/icons/credit-card";
import Settings from "@lucide/svelte/icons/settings";
import Smile from "@lucide/svelte/icons/smile";
import User from "@lucide/svelte/icons/user";
import * as Command from "$lib/components/ui/command/index.js";
<Command.Root class="max-w-[450px] rounded-lg border shadow-md">
<Command.Input placeholder="Type a command or search..." />
<Command.Empty>No results found.</Command.Empty>
<Command.Group heading="Suggestions">
<Calendar />
<Smile />
<span>Search Emoji</span>
<Command.Item disabled>
<Calculator />
<Command.Separator />
<Command.Group heading="Settings">
<User />
<CreditCard />
<Settings />
<script lang="ts">
import Calculator from "@lucide/svelte/icons/calculator";
import Calendar from "@lucide/svelte/icons/calendar";
import CreditCard from "@lucide/svelte/icons/credit-card";
import Settings from "@lucide/svelte/icons/settings";
import Smile from "@lucide/svelte/icons/smile";
import User from "@lucide/svelte/icons/user";
import * as Command from "$lib/components/ui/command/index.js";
<Command.Root class="max-w-[450px] rounded-lg border shadow-md">
<Command.Input placeholder="Type a command or search..." />
<Command.Empty>No results found.</Command.Empty>
<Command.Group heading="Suggestions">
<Calendar />
<Smile />
<span>Search Emoji</span>
<Command.Item disabled>
<Calculator />
<Command.Separator />
<Command.Group heading="Settings">
<User />
<CreditCard />
<Settings />
Install bits-ui
Copy and paste the component source files linked at the top of this page into your project.
<script lang="ts">
import * as Command from "$lib/components/ui/command/index.js";
<Command.Input placeholder="Type a command or search..." />
<Command.Empty>No results found.</Command.Empty>
<Command.Group heading="Suggestions">
<Command.Item>Search Emoji</Command.Item>
<Command.Separator />
<Command.Group heading="Settings">
<script lang="ts">
import Calculator from "@lucide/svelte/icons/calculator";
import Calendar from "@lucide/svelte/icons/calendar";
import CreditCard from "@lucide/svelte/icons/credit-card";
import Settings from "@lucide/svelte/icons/settings";
import Smile from "@lucide/svelte/icons/smile";
import User from "@lucide/svelte/icons/user";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
import * as Command from "$lib/components/ui/command/index.js";
let open = $state(false);
onMount(() => {
function handleKeydown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key === "j" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) {
open = !open;
document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeydown);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeydown);
<p class="text-muted-foreground text-sm">
class="bg-muted text-muted-foreground pointer-events-none inline-flex h-5 select-none items-center gap-1 rounded border px-1.5 font-mono text-[10px] font-medium opacity-100"
<span class="text-xs">⌘</span>J
<Command.Dialog bind:open>
<Command.Input placeholder="Type a command or search..." />
<Command.Empty>No results found.</Command.Empty>
<Command.Group heading="Suggestions">
<Calendar />
<Smile />
<span>Search Emoji</span>
<Calculator />
<Command.Separator />
<Command.Group heading="Settings">
<User />
<CreditCard />
<Settings />
<script lang="ts">
import Calculator from "@lucide/svelte/icons/calculator";
import Calendar from "@lucide/svelte/icons/calendar";
import CreditCard from "@lucide/svelte/icons/credit-card";
import Settings from "@lucide/svelte/icons/settings";
import Smile from "@lucide/svelte/icons/smile";
import User from "@lucide/svelte/icons/user";
import * as Command from "$lib/components/ui/command/index.js";
let open = $state(false);
function handleKeydown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key === "j" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) {
open = !open;
<svelte:document onkeydown={handleKeydown} />
<p class="text-muted-foreground text-sm">
class="bg-muted text-muted-foreground pointer-events-none inline-flex h-5 select-none items-center gap-1 rounded border px-1.5 font-mono text-[10px] font-medium opacity-100"
<span class="text-xs">⌘</span>J
<Command.Dialog bind:open>
<Command.Input placeholder="Type a command or search..." />
<Command.Empty>No results found.</Command.Empty>
<Command.Group heading="Suggestions">
<Calendar class="mr-2 size-4" />
<Smile class="mr-2 size-4" />
<span>Search Emoji</span>
<Calculator class="mr-2 size-4" />
<Command.Separator />
<Command.Group heading="Settings">
<User class="mr-2 size-4" />
<CreditCard class="mr-2 size-4" />
<Settings class="mr-2 size-4" />
To show the command menu in a dialog, use the <Command.Dialog />
component instead of <Command.Root />
. It accepts props for both the <Dialog.Root />
and <Command.Root />
<script lang="ts">
import * as Command from "$lib/components/ui/command/index.js";
import { onMount } from "svelte";
let open = $state(false);
function handleKeydown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key === "k" && (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey)) {
open = !open;
<svelte:document onkeydown={handleKeydown} />
<Command.Dialog bind:open>
<Command.Input placeholder="Type a command or search..." />
<Command.Empty>No results found.</Command.Empty>
<Command.Group heading="Suggestions">
<Command.Item>Search Emoji</Command.Item>
2024-10-30 Classes for icons
- Added
gap-2 [&_svg]:pointer-events-none [&_svg]:size-4 [&_svg]:shrink-0
to the<Command.Item>
component to automatically style the icons inside.
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