

A composable, themeable and customizable sidebar component.

A sidebar that collapses to icons.

Sidebars are one of the most complex components to build. They are central to any application and often contain a lot of moving parts.

Shad doesn't like building sidebars, so he built 30+ of them with all kinds of configurations. The core components have been extracted into sidebar-*.svelte files, and you can use them in your own projects.

We now have a solid foundation to build on top of. Composable. Themeable. Customizable.

Browse the Blocks Library.


Run the following command to install the `sidebar` components:

	npx  shadcn-svelte@next add sidebar

Add the following colors to your CSS file

We'll go over the colors later in the theming section.

	@layer base {
  :root {
    --sidebar-background: 0 0% 98%;
    --sidebar-foreground: 240 5.3% 26.1%;
    --sidebar-primary: 240 5.9% 10%;
    --sidebar-primary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
    --sidebar-accent: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
    --sidebar-accent-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
    --sidebar-border: 220 13% 91%;
    --sidebar-ring: 217.2 91.2% 59.8%;
  .dark {
    --sidebar-background: 240 5.9% 10%;
    --sidebar-foreground: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
    --sidebar-primary: 224.3 76.3% 48%;
    --sidebar-primary-foreground: 0 0% 100%;
    --sidebar-accent: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
    --sidebar-accent-foreground: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
    --sidebar-border: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
    --sidebar-ring: 217.2 91.2% 59.8%;


A Sidebar component is composed of the following parts:

  • Sidebar.Provider - Handles collapsible state.
  • Sidebar.Root - The sidebar container.
  • Sidebar.Header and Sidebar.Footer - Sticky at the top and bottom of the sidebar.
  • Sidebar.Content - Scrollable content.
  • Sidebar.Group - Section within the Sidebar.Content.
  • Sidebar.Trigger - Trigger for the Sidebar.
Sidebar structure


	<script lang="ts">
  import * as Sidebar from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar/index.js";
  import AppSidebar from "$lib/components/app-sidebar.svelte";
  let { children } = $props();
  <AppSidebar />
    <Sidebar.Trigger />
    {@render children?.()}
	<script lang="ts">
  import * as Sidebar from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar";
  <Sidebar.Header />
    <Sidebar.Group />
    <Sidebar.Group />
  <Sidebar.Footer />

Your First Sidebar

Let's start with the most basic sidebar. A collapsible sidebar with a menu.

Add a Sidebar.Provider and Sidebar.Trigger at the root of your application.

	<script lang="ts">
  import * as Sidebar from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar/index.js";
  import AppSidebar from "$lib/components/app-sidebar.svelte";
  let { children } = $props();
  <AppSidebar />
    <Sidebar.Trigger />
    {@render children?.()}

Create a new sidebar component at src/lib/components/app-sidebar.svelte.

	<script lang="ts">
  import * as Sidebar from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar/index.js";
  <Sidebar.Content />

Now, let's add a Sidebar.Menu to the sidebar.

We'll use the Sidebar.Menu component in a Sidebar.Group.

	<script lang="ts">
  import Calendar from "lucide-svelte/icons/calendar";
  import House from "lucide-svelte/icons/house";
  import Inbox from "lucide-svelte/icons/inbox";
  import Search from "lucide-svelte/icons/search";
  import Settings from "lucide-svelte/icons/settings";
  import * as Sidebar from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar/index.js";
  // Menu items.
  const items = [
      title: "Home",
      url: "#",
      icon: House,
      title: "Inbox",
      url: "#",
      icon: Inbox,
      title: "Calendar",
      url: "#",
      icon: Calendar,
      title: "Search",
      url: "#",
      icon: Search,
      title: "Settings",
      url: "#",
      icon: Settings,
          {#each items as item (item.title)}
                {#snippet child({ props })}
                  <a href={item.url} {...props}>
                    <item.icon />

You've created your first sidebar.

Your first sidebar.


The components in the sidebar-*.svelte files are built to be composable i.e you build your sidebar by putting the provided components together. They also compose well with other shadcn-svelte components such as DropdownMenu, Collapsible, Dialog, etc.

If you need to change the code in the sidebar-*.svelte files, you are encourage to do so. The code is yours. Use the provided components as a starting point to build your own

In the next sections, we'll go over each component and how to use them.


The Sidebar.Provider component is used to provide the sidebar context to the Sidebar component. You should always wrap your application in a Sidebar.Provider component.


Name Type Description
open boolean Open state of the sidebar (bindable).
controlledOpen boolean Whether the sidebar state will be controlled by you.
onOpenChange (open: boolean) => void A callback fired after the open state of the sidebar changes if uncontrolled, and before the sidebar opens or closes if controlled.


If you have a single sidebar in your application, you can use the SIDEBAR_WIDTH and SIDEBAR_WIDTH_MOBILE constants in src/lib/components/ui/sidebar/constants.ts to set the width of the sidebar.

	export const SIDEBAR_WIDTH = "16rem";
export const SIDEBAR_WIDTH_MOBILE = "18rem";

For multiple sidebars in your application, you can use the style prop to set the width of the sidebar.

To set the width of the sidebar, you can use the --sidebar-width and --sidebar-width-mobile CSS variables in the style prop.

  style="--sidebar-width: 20rem; --sidebar-width-mobile: 20rem;"
  <Sidebar.Root />

This will not only handle the width of the sidebar but also the layout spacing.

Keyboard Shortcut

The SIDEBAR_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT variable in src/lib/components/ui/sidebar/constants.ts is used to set the keyboard shortcut used to open and close the sidebar.

To trigger the sidebar, you use the cmd+b keyboard shortcut on Mac and ctrl+b on Windows.

You can change the keyboard shortcut by changing the value of the SIDEBAR_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT variable.

	export const SIDEBAR_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT = "b";


The main Sidebar component used to render a collapsible sidebar.

	<script lang="ts">
  import * as Sidebar from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar/index.js";
<Sidebar.Root />


Property Type Description
side left or right The side of the sidebar.
variant sidebar, floating, or inset The variant of the sidebar.
collapsible offcanvas, icon, or none Collapsible state of the sidebar.


Use the side prop to change the side of the sidebar.

Available options are left and right.

	<Sidebar.Root side="left | right" />


Use the variant prop to change the variant of the sidebar.

Available options are sidebar, floating and inset.

	<Sidebar.Root variant="sidebar | floating | inset" />
  <Sidebar.Root variant="inset">
        <!-- Your main content -->


Use the collapsible prop to make the sidebar collapsible.

Available options are offcanvas, icon and none.

	<Sidebar.Root collapsible="offcanvas | icon | none" />
Prop Description
offcanvas A collapsible sidebar that slides in from the left or right.
icon A sidebar that collapses to icons.
none A non-collapsible sidebar.


The useSidebar function is used to hook into the sidebar context. It returns a reactive class instance, so it cannot be destructured. Additionally, it must be called during the lifecycle of the component.

	<script lang="ts">
  import { useSidebar } from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar/index.js";
Property Type Description
state expanded or collapsed The current state of the sidebar.
open boolean Whether the sidebar is open.
setOpen (open: boolean) => void Sets the open state of the sidebar.
openMobile boolean Whether the sidebar is open on mobile.
setOpenMobile (open: boolean) => void Sets the open state of the sidebar on mobile.
isMobile boolean Whether the sidebar is on mobile.
toggle () => void Toggles the sidebar. Desktop and mobile.


Use the Sidebar.Header component to add a sticky header to the sidebar.

The following example adds a <DropdownMenu> to the Sidebar.Header.

A sidebar header with a dropdown menu.
            {#snippet child({ props })}
              <Sidebar.MenuButton {...props}>
                Select Workspace
                <ChevronDown class="ml-auto" />
          <DropdownMenu.Content class="w-[--bits-dropdown-menu-anchor-width]">
              <span>Acme Inc</span>
              <span>Acme Corp.</span>


Use the Sidebar.Footer component to add a sticky footer to the sidebar.

The following example adds a <DropdownMenu> to the Sidebar.Footer.

A sidebar footer with a dropdown menu.
    <Sidebar.Header />
    <Sidebar.Content />
              {#snippet child({ props })}
                  class="data-[state=open]:bg-sidebar-accent data-[state=open]:text-sidebar-accent-foreground"
                  <ChevronUp class="ml-auto" />
                <span>Sign out</span>
    <header class="flex h-12 items-center justify-between px-4">
      <Sidebar.Trigger />


The Sidebar.Content component is used to wrap the content of the sidebar. This is where you add your Sidebar.Group components. It is scrollable.

    <Sidebar.Group />
    <Sidebar.Group />


Use the Sidebar.Group component to create a section within the sidebar.

A Sidebar.Group has a Sidebar.GroupLabel, a Sidebar.GroupContent and an optional Sidebar.GroupAction.

A sidebar group.
        <Plus /> <span class="sr-only">Add Project</span>

Collapsible Sidebar.Group

To make a Sidebar.Group collapsible, wrap it in a Collapsible.

A collapsible sidebar group.
	<Collapsible.Root open class="group/collapsible">
      {#snippet child({ props })}
        <Collapsible.Trigger {...props}>
            class="ml-auto transition-transform group-data-[state=open]/collapsible:rotate-180"
      <Sidebar.GroupContent />


Use the Sidebar.GroupAction component to add an action to a Sidebar.Group.

  <Sidebar.GroupAction title="Add Project">
    <Plus /> <span class="sr-only">Add Project</span>
  <Sidebar.GroupContent />
A sidebar group with an action button.


The Sidebar.Menu component is used for building a menu within a Sidebar.Group.

A Sidebar.Menu is composed of Sidebar.MenuItem, Sidebar.MenuButton, Sidebar.MenuAction, and Sidebar.MenuSub components.

Sidebar menu

Here's an example of a Sidebar.Menu component rendering a list of projects.

A sidebar menu with a list of projects.
          {#each projects as project}
                {#snippet child({ props })}
                  <a href={project.url} {...props}>
                    <project.icon />


The Sidebar.MenuButton component is used to render a menu button within a Sidebar.Menu.

By default, the Sidebar.MenuButton renders a button, but you can use the child snippet to render a different component such as an <a> tag.

  {#snippet child({ props })}
    <a href="/home" {...props}> Home </a>

Icon and Label

You can render an icon and a truncated label inside the button. Remember to wrap the label in a <span> tag.

  {#snippet child({ props })}
    <a href="/home" {...props}>
      <House />


Use the isActive prop to mark a menu item as active.

	<Sidebar.MenuButton isActive>
  {#snippet child({ props })}
    <a href="/home" {...props}>
      <House />


The Sidebar.MenuAction component is used to render a menu action within a Sidebar.Menu.

This button works independently of the Sidebar.MenuButton, i.e. you can have the Sidebar.MenuButton as a clickable link and the Sidebar.MenuAction as a button.

    {#snippet child({ props })}
      <a href="/home" {...props}>
        <House />
    <Plus /> <span class="sr-only">Add Project</span>

Here's an example of a Sidebar.MenuAction that renders a DropdownMenu.

A sidebar menu action with a dropdown menu.
    {#snippet child({ props })}
      <a href="#" {...props}>
        <House />
      {#snippet child({ props })}
        <Sidebar.MenuAction {...props}>
          <Ellipsis />
    <DropdownMenu.Content side="right" align="start">
        <span>Edit Project</span>
        <span>Delete Project</span>


The Sidebar.MenuSub component is used to render a submenu within a Sidebar.Menu.

Use Sidebar.MenuSubItem and Sidebar.MenuSubButton to render a submenu item.

A sidebar menu sub.
  <Sidebar.MenuButton />
      <Sidebar.MenuSubButton />
      <Sidebar.MenuSubButton />

Collapsible Sidebar.Menu

To make a Sidebar.Menu collapsible, wrap it and the Sidebar.MenuSub components in a Collapsible.

A collapsible sidebar menu.
  <Collapsible.Root open class="group/collapsible">
        {#snippet child({ props })}
          <Sidebar.MenuButton {...props} />
          <Sidebar.MenuSubItem />


The Sidebar.MenuBadge component is used to render a badge within a Sidebar.MenuItem.

A sidebar menu badge.
  <Sidebar.MenuButton />


The Sidebar.MenuSkeleton component is used to render a skeleton within a Sidebar.MenuItem. You can use this to show a loading state while waiting for data to load.

  {#each Array.from({ length: 5 }) as _, index (index)}
      <Sidebar.MenuSkeleton />


The Sidebar.Separator component is used to render a separator within a Sidebar.

  <Sidebar.Header />
  <Sidebar.Separator />
    <Sidebar.Group />
    <Sidebar.Separator />
    <Sidebar.Group />


Use the Sidebar.Trigger component to render a button that toggles the sidebar.

The Sidebar.Trigger component must be used within a Sidebar.Provider.

  <Sidebar.Root />
    <Sidebar.Trigger />

Custom Trigger

To create a custom trigger, you can use the useSidebar hook.

	<script lang="ts">
  import { useSidebar } from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar/index.js";
  const sidebar = useSidebar();
<button onclick={() => sidebar.toggle()}>Toggle Sidebar</button>


The Sidebar.Rail component is used to render a rail within a Sidebar.Root. This rail can be used to toggle the sidebar.

  <Sidebar.Header />
    <Sidebar.Group />
  <Sidebar.Footer />
  <Sidebar.Rail />

Controlled Sidebar

Use the open, onOpenChange and controlledOpen props or bind:open to control the sidebar state.

A controlled sidebar.
	<script lang="ts">
  import * as Sidebar from "$lib/components/ui/sidebar/index.js";
  let open = $state(true);
  onOpenChange={(value) => (open = value)}
  <Sidebar.Root />
<!-- or -->
<Sidebar.Provider bind:open>
  <Sidebar.Root />


We use the following CSS variables to theme the sidebar.

	@layer base {
  :root {
    --sidebar-background: 0 0% 98%;
    --sidebar-foreground: 240 5.3% 26.1%;
    --sidebar-primary: 240 5.9% 10%;
    --sidebar-primary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
    --sidebar-accent: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
    --sidebar-accent-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
    --sidebar-border: 220 13% 91%;
    --sidebar-ring: 217.2 91.2% 59.8%;
  .dark {
    --sidebar-background: 240 5.9% 10%;
    --sidebar-foreground: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
    --sidebar-primary: 0 0% 98%;
    --sidebar-primary-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
    --sidebar-accent: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
    --sidebar-accent-foreground: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
    --sidebar-border: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
    --sidebar-ring: 217.2 91.2% 59.8%;

We intentionally use different variables for the sidebar and the rest of the application to make it easy to have a sidebar that is styled differently from the rest of the application. Think a sidebar with a darker shade from the main application.


Here are some tips for styling the sidebar based on different states.

  • Styling an element based on the sidebar collapsible state. The following will hide the Sidebar.Group when the sidebar is in icon mode.
	<Sidebar.Root collapsible="icon">
    <Sidebar.Group class="group-data-[collapsible=icon]:hidden" />
  • Styling a menu action based on the menu button active state. The following will force the menu action to be visible when the menu button is active.
  <Sidebar.MenuButton />

You can find more tips on using states for styling in this Twitter thread.