

How to setup shadcn-svelte in a SvelteKit project.

Setup your project

Create project

Use the SvelteKit CLI to create a new project.

	npx  sv create my-app

Add TailwindCSS

Use the svelte-add CLI to add Tailwind CSS to your project.

	npx  sv add tailwindcss

Install dependencies

	npm install 

Setup path aliases

If you are not using the default alias $lib, you'll need to update your svelte.config.js file to include those aliases.

	const config = {
  // ... other config
  kit: {
    // ... other config
    alias: {
      "@/*": "./path/to/lib/*",

Run the CLI

	npx  shadcn-svelte@next init

Configure components.json

You will be asked a few questions to configure components.json:

	Would you like to use TypeScript (recommended)? › Yes
Which style would you like to use? › Default
Which color would you like to use as base color? › Slate
Where is your global CSS file? › src/app.css
Where is your tailwind.config.[cjs|js|ts] located? › tailwind.config.js
Configure the import alias for components: › $lib/components
Configure the import alias for utils: › $lib/utils
Configure the import alias for hooks: › $lib/hooks
Configure the import alias for ui: › $lib/components/ui

That's it

You can now start adding components to your project.

	npx  shadcn-svelte@next add button

The command above will add the Button component to your project. You can then import it like this:

	<script lang="ts">
  import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button";
<Button>Click me</Button>